Monday, February 18, 2013

Can You Hear Me Now?

The cellphone.

A wonderful device used to call, text, surf the internet and...learn in the classroom? Ask many teachers and they will say no to the idea of having a cell phone on the desk in front of a student. After all, these devices are mainly used for fun, right?

What if they could have more potential? What if instead of banning them we embrace them and allow our students to utilize the technology that is ever present in their daily lives?

Of course, there is the fear that using phones could result in cheating or unnecessary distractions. Yet, I feel it 's safe to say that by not using them, we are creating distractions for our students. To take away what some may call the very life force of this generation rather than embracing it shows our students that we -ourselves- are backwards. We seem out of touch with reality.

It is not only parents, teachers and friends that children rely on. It is the technology that has stretched within every inch of their lives. Let's show our students that we, too, can relate to their lifestyles and finally realize that a textbook is not the only fountain of knowledge.

Friday, February 1, 2013

In the beginning...

Hello! Welcome to my blog! I hope to post many useful articles and interesting facts on this page. Look for more coming soon!

